Deliverable fastfood restaurants update for 1.44 & 1.45
With the release of the Colorado DLC, SCS gave us some really nice fastfoodrestaurants. Shortly after, we decided to change them to real-life brands with our main mod ‘real companies, gas stations and billboard’ which can be found in the Steam workshop.
As time went by and we enjoyed the game ourselves we realised it would be nice to make at least one company deliverable. We decided to choose the burgercompany as it’s real life counterpart is worldwide famous and known.

In the winter of 2021 we released our ‘deliverable fastfood restaurants’ mod which many of you enjoy till this day. Past week SCS updated ATS to version 1.44 which broke the mod in California. Our patch only partly solved the issue there so we needed to do an update. This week we release version 1.1 of the mod. Let’s take a look at what is new!

In the upcoming version we did a general bugfix, some of you noticed a few console errors. Those are gone now, making the game as smooth as it can be. Further we put in 7 new restaurants to deliver to and pick-up cargo from. To make the distributionchain more convenient we included a new warehouse too.

As in the original release, the new version also includes our free mod ‘deliverable scenic towns’. In this version we added a new company with costum-made cargo-models, and added the state of Arizona. Together with Nevada and Utah, you can now drive off the interstate more in 3 states. This last point was our reason to create the mod. We read on official game forums that a lot of players want to drive on more local routes instead of the interstate. With this mod more jobs are offered to small cities on smaller roads. Of course it’s also a great way top appreciate the nice scenic towns SCS provides us with.

This mod update is free for current users of the mod. They will receive an email with a voucher code for a free download when it is released. That leaves us with a huge thanks to all of you, all the feedback and compliments we receive on Steam really keeps us going and pushing us to make our mods better with every update. By buying on of our mods you give us huge support and helps us to keep things running as creating all this is a very time consuming job. Thank you!
* General bugfixes
* Updated to ATS 1.44 &45
* Added 7 new restaurants
* Added 1 new warehouse
* Added Arizona scenic towns
* 1 new company (scenic towns)
* Costum-made cargo-models (scenic towns)